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    We develop custom communications solutions that are contemporary, emotionally appropriate while not necessarily being arbitrarily trendy. We have in-depth specialist know-how in the areas of transport, logistics, mobility and rail vehicle technology, as well as many years of experience in other industries enabling us to think outside the box.

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    In 1998 we developed our very first website. Today our wide-ranging expertise includes cross-linking and implementation applications for associations, corporations and medium-sized companies, as well as the development of data evaluation and editing tools for international websites and mobile applications.

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    In addition to the development of responsive websites that work on mobile, we also set up Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Progressive web apps are increasingly replacing proprietary applications. This reduces the expenses of the development of iOS and Android applications. However, we can also develop native applications for iOS and/or Android as per your requirements.
    PWA's, iOS, Android

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    Even today, in the age of mobile communication, augmented reality and Industry 4.0, there can be good reasons to use printed communication materials. We create attention-grabbing brochures, flyers, maps and promotional materials.

    Brochures, image brochures, flyers, folding cards, maps

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    Trade fairs, museums, exhibitions

    Targeting a professional audience at trade fairs requires skill: not too much information and not too little, not too restrained and not too flashy. We provide guidance, quality execution, while bringing innovation and fresh thinking and evaluate the outcome together afterwards.
    Exhibition stands & booths, touch screen terminals, animations

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    3D + 2D Animations

    Animations – technical or more emotional? Exact representations in words and pictures or captivating visuals, animations make both possible! We will work closely with you to understand your voice and develop the right solution for your virtual appearance! If required, also accompanied by audio.
    3D animations, 2D animations, modeling, sound compositions

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    Corporate Design

    The most impactful and sustainable way to influence the visual perception of a company lies in the creation and cultivation of the corporate design. Your corporate design is fundamental and forms the basis for other means of communication.

    Here, too, we have in-depth experience in a wide range of industries: Transportation, Financial Services, Telecommunications, Legal and Celebrity.


  • /images/projects/HN_KB_DBN_RWT_Messe_1.jpg

    DB Netz AG (German Rail Infrastructure): The central interactive touchpoint at the world's leading trade fair for rail transport InnoTrans.

    Live application with various displays and teaser animation

    Gamification at a trade fair can make for a fun and engaging experience and catch the attention of walking-by spectators. The benefits of the application can be quickly understood by interested parties.The keyvisual in this case is the teaser animation.

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_DBS_KM_14.jpg

    Schenker AG: International Career Market

    Website and App: The Career Market PWA (Progressive Web App)

    Job hunting doesn't have to be a boring search through endless lists. The career market reinvented.

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_DRM_screen_1.jpg

    Museum Berlin-Karlshorst: The taking of Berlin

    Touchscreen application

    How does a touchscreen application in a room of historical exhibits stack up against the table of the provisional surrender in Berlin Tempelhof and the Berlin map of Hitler's desk?

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_DBN_RWT_00.jpg

    Deutsche Bahn (DB) Netz AG:

    Map application

    The world's first freely available platform for intermodal transport – endorsed by the German Federal Ministry of Transport

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_DBN_RWT_Ani_4.jpg

    DB Netz AG: Teaseranimation

    2D-Animation + Claim

    Universally applicable animation for touchpoints: emotional, yet clearly comprehendible statements for B2B recipients.

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_DRM_Flyer_1.jpg

    Museum Berlin-Karlshorst: End of the war in Berlin + Secrets of Karlshorst

    Folding map series

    To explore various historically relevant places in Berlin, a classic map can be an appropriate medium for some interested parties.

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_BdP_pfade_1.jpg

    Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (BdP) [Association of Girl and Boy Scouts]

    Member magazine

    Targeting parents and external presentation of the federation

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_Verm_Print_1.jpg

    Vermdok: Brand conceptualisation & development


    Corporate design, image brochures, business cards, signage, Christmas cards

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_DBN_App_111.jpg

    DB Netz AG: Mobile service application

    The iOS + Android application with an editing tool and connection to the company's issuetracking systems.

    The central tool providing service information and issue reports

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_Verm_3D_2_1.jpg

    VERMDOK: Surveying process

    3D animation accompanied sound design

    Representation of a laser surveying process for interior wagon fittings and the cooperation of the service provider with its customers

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_IKZ_3D_10.jpg

    Institute for Crystal Growth (Leibniz)

    3D animation

    Illustration of the typical crystallisation process: strains, diffusions, corrections in an animation

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_DRM_1.jpg

    Museum Berlin-Karlshorst


    Museum of the Federal Republic of Germany; consideration of a broad spectrum of international stakeholders.

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_Verm_Messe_2018_2.jpg

    VERMDOK appearance InnoTrans

    Exhibition stand / booth

    Exhibition stand at the world's leading trade fair for rail vehicle technology, 3D animations

  • /images/projects/HN_KB_T_KH_3.jpg


    Development of the Corporate Design


  • /images/samples/HN_KB_T_Verm_Foto_3.jpg

    Photo shootings


  • /images/samples/HN_KB_Verm_3D_1_1.jpg

    3D modelling


Clients (Extract)

    • Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V.
    • Schenker AG Essen
    • Schenker Deutschland AG
    • Leibniz Association
    • DB Netz AG
    • Deutsche Bahn AG
    • Deutsche Welthungerhilfe
    • Deutsches Historisches Institut
    • Deutsch-Russisches Museum
    • ESCADA
    • Médecins Sans Frontières
    • Rocko Schamoni
    • Udo Walz
    • Zeha Berlin



  • Verantwortlich i.S.v. §5 Telemediengesetz:
    Ronald Horn
    Peter-Hille-Str. 74
    12587 Berlin

    Wir distanzieren uns ausdrücklich von den Inhalten der Seiten, auf die in dieser Website verlinkt wird.

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    Die Verwendung von Inhalten dieser Seite, auch auszugsweise, bedarf der schriftlichen Genehmigung durch HORNNISSEN.

    DE 276344644



  • Der Verantwortliche im Sinne der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und anderer nationaler Datenschutzgesetze der Mitgliedsstaaten sowie sonstiger datenschutzrechtlicher Bestimmungen ist

    Ronald Horn
    Peter-Hille-Str. 74
    12587 Berlin
    +49 30 32592153
    rh [at] hornnissen [dot] de

    Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten der Besucher beim Besuch Webseite erhoben. Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten grundsätzlich nur nach deren Bereitstellung durch unsere Kunden selbst.

    Soweit eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich ist, der unser Unternehmen unterliegt, dient Art.6 Abs.1 lit. c DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage.

    Ist die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses unseres Unternehmens oder eines Dritten erforderlich und überwiegen die Interessen, Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten des Betroffenen das erstgenannte Interesse nicht, so dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung.

    Die personenbezogenen Daten der betroffenen Person werden gelöscht oder gesperrt, sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt. Eine Speicherung kann darüber hinaus erfolgen, wenn dies durch den europäischen oder nationalen Gesetzgeber in unionsrechtlichen Verordnungen, Gesetzen oder sonstigen Vorschriften, denen der Verantwortliche unterliegt, vorgesehen wurde. Eine Sperrung oder Löschung der Daten erfolgt auch dann, wenn eine durch die genannten Normen vorgeschriebene Speicherfrist abläuft, es sei denn, dass eine Erforderlichkeit zur weiteren Speicherung der Daten für einen Vertragsabschluss oder eine Vertragserfüllung besteht.

Trade fair InnoTrans

The central touchpoint of the trade fair appearance

Experiencing and presenting the fascinating and complex application to the customers is the highlight of the booth visit. Several input terminals and a large central screen show the results of different user scenarios and inputs.

From the introduction directly to the live demonstration

Captivating exhibition & booth design

Various input devices

The application is used throughout Europe, is user-friendly on various devices and reduces the entry barriers. Whether Windows, OSX or iOS - there is a familiar working environment for everyone.


Part of the order was the provision of hardware and its integration.



International Career Market

Intuitive map application

The previous stringing together of jobs is no longer necessary. Behind every pin there is at least one offer. The map intuitively shows the worldwide job distribution and the internationality of the company.

Accurate and relevant search results

Filter by desired features - and intuitively the map shows the nearest opportunities. Select and save your search criteria to collect and apply for new opportunities
If there are no matching jobs available, users will be informed via notifications as soon as suitable offers become available.


The taking of Berlin


The final phase of the Second World War for Berlin was chaotic and dramatic. With the help of this touchscreen application, right next to the map of Berlin on Hitler's desk, visitors at the museum can find out which districts were taken in which order and how contemporary witnesses experienced this.

Chronology of the taking

A slider animates the progress of the front line

Contemporary witness

Some reports of the contemporary witnesses are horrifying and dramatic.

A central information platform for logistics companies

International freight traffic is clustered into different modalities. Can goods be transferred from road to rail and back from rail to road, and which partner companies make this possible throughout Europe? This map application based on Open Street Map shows results based on hundreds of European companies' availability. The portal also contributes to CO2 reduction. The project included in-depth discussions with the Federal Ministry of Transport and logistics representatives from rail and road.

Where can goods be loaded onto rail?

Various maps show the European rail infrastructure. A key component of the map application is the insight into combined transport of rail and road. This central and bundled information was not available anywhere before.


As there can be numerous possible connections, the dynamically generated overview-graphic can be dragged as required, displaying the different terminal locations and available connections.


Timetables provide information about departure and arrival times, as well as possible alternatives, terminal contact details, operators and availability of capacities.

Alignment of rail and road

It became clear very early on in the development process, that there is a strong interest for integration of rail and road transportation. The picture shows various companies that are offering first and last mile transport.


2D animation + claim


At trade fairs it can be challenging to 100% predict the information displayed by next-door competition booths. Developing an attention-grabbing key visual was necessary to stand out. The eye-catching animation generated necessary attention and attracted many customers to the booth.

The tracks as a metaphor.


Simple graphics illustrate correlations

The claim

Finally: The logo and the integrated slogan make a statement.

The animation can be viewed here



The war in Berlin and its aftermath

Folding map series for guided tours

The classic format is convincing and easy to handle. Interested parties enjoy the  experience of history with a physical classic map.

Double-sided use in familiar style

A map on one side, detailed information on the other.

End of the war in Berlin

The taking of the city and the condition of well-known places afterwards.




pfade Magazin des BdP (pfade magazine of the BdP)

Supplement to the digital presence

Members and parents of the Scout Association can find trending topics, latest activities and upcoming events in the pfade magazine.

Magazine in magazine

The New Letters targetet for the older members of the BdP.



Corporate Design Development

VERMDOK offers surveying for construction and urban development projects, as well as industrial surveying. HORNNISSEN developed the corporate design for VERMDOK’s print and digital presence. The image brochures showcase the company’s divisions and international presence in Europe and Australia. The key visual is the warning colour frequently found in the surveying sector. The large-scale use of this colour in all important communication media has resulted in high brand recognition.

Surveying brochure

Christmas cards

Laser Tracker brochure

Anniversary card "20 years VERMDOK”



Mobile service application

Service tool for customers and employees

Key elements are the simple overall availability of contact options and services.

Issue-communications infrastructure

Issues in the infrastructure (e.g. bridges, signalling systems, barriers) can be easily reported by B2B users on the move with geo-referencing, photos and descriptions. The report is immediately forwarded to issuetraking.


General information, contact details and appointments are also available on the app.



3D animation for trade fairs

Thanks to the medium-sized company’s highly sophisticated surveying instruments the development of various formats can be expedited. The animation showcases the cooperation and the surveying process in an entertaining and comprehensive way. The project scope also included a custom audio composition.

Orientation (surveying)

Surveying process


Overlay of the virtual car body with the final product.




Institute for Crystal Growth (Leibniz)

Teaser animation

Visualising what scientific institutions do in comprehensible way to the general public, is central to social acceptance, education and awareness. The animation shows components of the typical challenges in the development and production of crystals, with integration of essential elements of the corporate design in a vivid way.

The Cloud

The challenge in this project was not the modelling, but the mathematical description of the "chaotic" movement of atoms.


The isolated representation of different phases of the crystallisation process.


The animation shows several discontinuities in the crystallisation process and how they are resolved.

Technicality and CD

The interrelationship between the crystallisation process to the logo


Exhibition website

The Museum Berlin-Karlshorst is a memorial site of the Federal Republic of Germany. At the site of the official surrender of the “Wehrmacht” army, exhibitions commemorate the Second World War and the period thereafter. Giving these themes an appropriate setting was a bit of a challenge. How modern can one make a place like that without it being interpreted as inappropriately playful? Which colours can be used? The result is a look and feel that lives up to the museum's claim to be an institution that connects people.

The representation of the historical site

The surrender of the Wehrmacht took place in the rooms of the museum.

Digital exhibition

Videos, texts, photos and virtual tours of various exhibitions.


Virtual tour

The need for a virtual tour of the museum arose due to the restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic.

(Created by



VERMDOK exhibition stand

VERMDOK operates internationally and, as a medium-sized company, has to stand out visually from larger corporations at the trade fair. Through the large-scale use of CD colour, the stand is visible from afar. The booth offers a live demonstration of how the laser measurement process for rail vehicle construction is performed. The 3D animation, the screens showing real-time measurement data and open set-up of the booth also allow the walking-by spectators to participate.

3D model

Custom 3D models of the exhibition booth are developed, reviewed and assembled to create a compelling booth.

Setting points of contrast

In contrast to the clear and modern booth design, an older central buffer coupling allows live presentation of the reengineering supported by laser measurement as a point of contrast. Finding the what will make you stand out can be adventurous.

Involving the audience walking-by

Constructive elements made of steel and aluminium enable a realistic measuring process.



CD development





Photo shootings

Photoshoot on the ODEG sites

Under the wagons

Staged surveying process

Wagon details at a railway company

Shooting for power line illustrations

Shooting for a surveying company

Classic surveying point

Objects (Berlin State Library)

Photoshoot of various types of lamps



3D samples

Flange modelling

Tram modelling, mapping

Modelling of an old Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) with 3D scan data

3D modelling

The wagon is created from engineering data. The laser surveying instrument is designed based on manufacturers 3D data and a photo mapping. This allows free positioning from different perspectives within a virtual environment.